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Catly Shop

18" Wooden Shelf

sold out

18" Wooden Shelf


*** Due to supply chain issues, these shelves are currently out of stock, but we hope to resume production soon. ***

Cats love being able to view their surroundings from a safe vantage point. This 10" deep shelf will give even large cats the space to rest comfortably and enjoy a good catnap undisturbed.

Our shelves are composed entirely of natural quarter-sawn hardwood sourced domestically from environmentally sustainable operations. Our wood is hand selected for strength, color, and grain quality. Each piece is cut, sanded, and finished by hand to create a product that can last a lifetime.

All shelves are hand sealed with an oil-based varnish to protect the wood and draw out the natural grain patterns. We do not use stains so that you can enjoy the beautiful natural color of the wood.

Easy Installation. Mounting brackets are included and should be securely fastened into wooden wall studs. For brick or masonry applications you will need to provide your own screws.

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Natural Material Disclaimer

Wood, like all natural materials, has inherent variations in color, grain pattern, and response to the finishing process. All materials are inspected to ensure they are free of defects that could impact the quality of the final product.